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Fine Art of Web Design', this session will lift the lid on web technologies including XHTML, CSS and DOM scripting and show you exactly where they fit in with modern web design. Andy will reveal the lid on web technologies including XHTML, CSS and DOM scripting and show where they fit in with modern web design....
Posted on 15:30

Sunwaves 7 ------------- 30 aprilie - 2 mai

Filed Under () By PARTY TEAM la 15:30

Biletele in avans vor fi disponibile online in curand pe si la urmatoarele puncte de vanzare:Club Krypton Craiova (Calea Bucuresti nr. 54A) – 0730.795.567Club Zebra Bacau (Str. Marasesti nr. 5) – 0744.853.046 / 0742.827.438Club Midi Cluj (Str. Berariei nr. 6) – 0752.238.780 / 0752.238.782Bucuresti – 0745.381.896 / 0735.157.671Cafeneaua Acaju – Iasi (Str. Sf.Sava nr. 15) – 0770.620.448Chaplin’s Pub – Piatra Neamt (Str. Luceafarului nr. 22) – 0740.159.089
La intrare pretul biletelor va fi de 50, respectiv 70 de lei in prima seara, si de 30, respectiv 50 de lei in cea de-a doua seara.