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Fine Art of Web Design', this session will lift the lid on web technologies including XHTML, CSS and DOM scripting and show you exactly where they fit in with modern web design. Andy will reveal the lid on web technologies including XHTML, CSS and DOM scripting and show where they fit in with modern web design....

21:00 ‐ doors opened
21:00 ‐ 23:00 ‐ THE MODEL
23:00 ‐ 00:30 ‐ MODERAT live [Modeselektor + Apparat + Pfadfinderei]
00:30 ‐ 02:00 ‐ SIMIAN MOBILE DISCO live
02:30 ‐ 04:00 ‐ DUBFIRE
04:30 ‐ 06:00 ‐ TIGA
06:00 ‐ doors closed
Bilete: 40 lei in avans in curand pe

Intrare: 60 lei in seara evenimentului