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Fine Art of Web Design', this session will lift the lid on web technologies including XHTML, CSS and DOM scripting and show you exactly where they fit in with modern web design. Andy will reveal the lid on web technologies including XHTML, CSS and DOM scripting and show where they fit in with modern web design....

The Mission continua seria petrecerilor aniversare de 10 ani cu un showcase de exceptie: Viva Music Night cu Steve Lawler, Audiofly, Livio & Roby si Nima Gorji in cort incalzit la Arenele Romane si Leon & friends la after party-ul oficial de la Studio Martin.
Evenimentul va avea loc sambata, 25 septembrie 2010, in cort incalzit la Arenele Romane, incepand cu ora.
Mai multe informatii in curand!
BILETE:* 35 lei in avans disponibile la:- – prin comanda online, serviciu national si international de online ticketing cu optiunea de livrare la domiciliu;- Orange Concept Store, Bucuresti;- Magazinul City Shop, Bucuresti;- Magazinul Music Box, Bucuresti;- Metrou Unirii 1, Bucuresti.
* 50 lei la locatie in seara evenimentului;* 70 lei bilete VIP – sunati la (+40) 722 399 228.